Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Modelling Agency Submission Photos – Biggest Mistakes Seen by Neon Models

Modelling agencies get hundreds of submissions of photos by wannabe models, so they have to sift through them very quickly, rejecting the ones that are no good. They don’t have time to examine each one with a fine tooth comb, searching for a spark. They need to know if the person is suitable for modelling instantly, and they are looking for any excuse to bin the picture. Here are some of the mistakes you can make that will get your photo rejected out of hand.

Poor quality photo

If your photo is pixelated and your features can barely be made out, if it’s in bad light or if you have red eye or are simply too small, then the scout will chuck the picture. They can’t tell if you’re good enough, so they’ll assume you’re not. Most pictures taken on mobile phones are not good enough quality.

Something obscuring your face or figure

It’s not necessary to send in pictures that show off your body excessively (for example in underwear, swimming trunks or a bikini), however if you’re wearing a hat, sunglasses, scarf, duffel coat, mask (!), then the person checking your photo will not be able to see what they need, and will assume there’s a reason you’re hiding something. The same goes for too much make-up. Clean, fresh faced is better.

Being too big a personality

You may look at fashion models, or the models in the adverts for high street stores and think they look pretty cool or funky. You may think that therefore, you should be cool and funky when you apply to be a model. Wrong. The models you see look exactly how the client brand wants them to look. In another picture the same model may be unrecognisable and may look geeky or sporty or gothic.  The key to being a successful model is being a blank canvas, not a big personality.

Visit the Neon Models Website and register for free!

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