Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Modelling Castings, Go Sees and Callbacks

If modelling agencies had it their way, they would simply recommend a model to a client and the contract would be signed. However, it’s rarely as simple as that, as clients want to see a range of models in the flesh and do test shoots to see how they come across in relation to whatever it is they’re trying to sell before making a decision.

Castings or Go Sees

There are many more models invited to every casting than there are jobs available, so it makes sense that most models go to far more castings than they actually get jobs. Castings can take place at very short notice, and professional models need to be able to drop everything and travel to the location as the job might be decided within hours.

Making a success of a casting

Some people may not take castings seriously as they are not the actual final job, but this is a critical error. If you don’t give it your all at the casting, then you’ll never win the final job, and your modelling career will never get off the ground. So it’s vital to arrive at castings on time or slightly early, smiling and being friendly. Clients are more likely to hire someone who makes them smile and is easy to work with and has a professional attitude, than someone who turns up late and spends the whole time grumbling.

Callbacks and shortlists

If you get called back after a casting, then you should definitely be happy, but it’s not time to celebrate until the actual job itself is secured. There can be several callbacks as the shortlist is whittled down, and each time it becomes even more important to behave professionally and be personable and cheerful. Models are sometimes also put on ‘hold’ meaning they should keep the time of the shoot free in case that are requested. If the model then receives another offer of work or a casting, they should check with the client first to see if they can be ‘released’.
Once the client has made a decision the model will be ‘booked’ and at this point the job is secure. It means that the model is guaranteed the work, and even if the shoot is cancelled for one reason or another – the model will receive some cancellation fees.

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